Since 9DPO it has felt like AF was going to show up any moment. I fully expected her due to the temp drops. However, the next day I got a huge temp increase. Talk about things that mess with my head. I'm now at 11 DPO with another slight temp drop this morning, but not at all near the coverline on my Fertility Friend chart. Over the last three days it has felt like AF was just around the corner. Since she hasn't shown yet, my hopes were going back up, however I have just developed the "telltale headache", the one I get right before AF is due. I know it's not caffeine withdrawal since I had my full mug of coffee this morning. It's a good thing I bought pantyliners yesterday.
On a positive note, if I don't get a BFP this cycle, but I do in Cycle 3, my due date would be around the 4th anniversary of our first date, which is exciting and gives me hope.
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