(37W1D Belly)
How far along? 37 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 1 pound since last week. Total gain: 32-37 lbs depending on starting weight.
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep: Maybe someday I will sleep through the night again.
Best moment this week: One week away from being done with work.
Movement: I'm convinced that she is trying to escape.
Food cravings: Boiled peanuts and Heavenly Hash ice cream (not together)
Gender: Still a girl!
Labor Signs: Lower back pain every once in a while.
Belly Button in or out? Popped out and looks like a Cheerio.
What I miss: Wearing cute summer clothes.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting our little girl!
Weekly Wisdom: Let someone go ahead of you in the line at the store. It may pay off.
Milestones: Baby is estimated to weigh 6.5 pounds! She is estimated to gain another 1/4 pound a week.
You look amazing!! Not much longer and she'll be here!!
How have you been feeling?
I love that your belly button looks like a Cheerio, how cute!!
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